Monday, September 13, 2010

Murder and Magick on All Romance eBooks

I just noticed that Dark Desires of the Druids: Murder & Magick is #1 under Historical Other on All Romance eBooks! With a nifty silver star...what does that star mean? Anyone know? I'll have to scour their site.

Historical Other...I guess they got tired of categorizing historicals, there are a lot and they already have Historical--Ancient, America, Gothic, Regency, and Medieval. I'm thinking they should have Historical 20th Century, too. I hate to say it, makes me feel old, but the 20th century is of the past...and enough on that particular topic!

Oh, neat! OK, the silver star means "ARe Best Seller: This means that the title has either been a Category Best Seller or a Top 10 Best Seller"

I'm good with being a category best seller!

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