Monday, July 26, 2010

Learn something new

Ture, I'm a librarian and deal with a lot of people every day, but it's also true that I learn something new. I like that aspect of my job, learning.

It's also true in writing. I may think I know what happened when, but once you get into the nitty gritty of it all, the real research, the facts of the matter, it's a different story entirely. My favorite? Taking X and making it into a story. Doesn't matter what X is (and no I won't be going into an algebra problem here!)

X is whatever you find fascinating. X is whatever you want to use for your story. X is whatever you wish it to be.

That's what makes writing and life! so fun. Learning. Once you close your mind, it's all over.

~By all means let's be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out.
Richard Dawkins

Virtually speaking, I'm over at Bad Girl (And Bad Boy) Writer's Block with DAY 11 of Dark Desires of the Druids: Sex & Subterfuge's blog tour. And what am I talking about today? You'll never guess. :)

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