Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Musings

I have survived the weekend! I swear, I need to time manage better. Alas, that'll never happen until I have a live-in maid and can write full time. Move over James Patterson! (WARNING: This New York Times article on him is enlightening and only slightly depressing for those of us who aren't him.)

Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?!

It's summer, or nearly so, and the weather is warm and sunny. I love it. Beach weather! The question is what do you do to stay cool? What are your favorite summer activities?

Reading, I hope...are you a book person or an e-reader? Sure, I love books, the feel and ease of them, but an e-reader allows you to bring a bunch without the weight! And when you're done, you delete if you don't want to save them. No more wondering what to do with those paperbacks. Or hardcovers, as the case may be.

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