Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I love a good ghost story. Not a horror movie with gratuitous gore and mindless blood lust, a real ghost story. Something based on real events, or even local legends. The whole concept of an after life or of trying to cross over and failing for whatever reason fascinates me. And the viewing public if movies and televisions shows are to be believed.

I've (not too) recently discovered Patricia Martinelli's series, Haunted Delaware and Haunted New Jersey. I was hoping for a Haunted New York or Haunted Pennsylvania, but haven't heard anything yet. Am reading now Best Ghost Tales of North Carolina by Terrance Zepke, but he doesn't have the brief, to-the-point style as Martinelli. We'll see. (Martinelli also has a True Crime series, True Crime New Jersey and True Crime Pennsylvania that are very interesting. One must wonder how that research goes!)

I've also recently purchased all Alexandra Sokoloff's novels. I bought her first one last year at San Francisco's RWA and not only was she one of the nicest ladies I've ever met, The Harrowing was fantastic! I think they're my (rest of the) summer reading. She's a great writer. She's more along the psychological scary thriller, but I love her writing!

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