Friday, September 28, 2007

Blogs to laugh at

I've been expanding my writer-blog reading. Not that I have much time to do more than a quick skim, but some are definitely worth reading - in full, with comments, twice. In addition to Something Victorian and Unusual Historicals, both of which I love, I've discovered Jennifer Linforth's Tip of the Quill and today, Manuscript Mavens.

Which brings me to the point of this blog.

This is possibly one of the funniest blogs I've read in ages. What Do You Mean, You Don't Like It? It's FABULOUS! I've been on the receiving end of 1 or 2 (ahem) rejections of my own, all of which are the DEAR AUTHOR: type that say little except they're too damn busy to really care what they say, how they say it, or that the form they're using has been photocopied so many times it's impossible to read. I like reading about other's rejections - it makes me feel less alone.

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